05 اسفند 1403

مرکز تحقیقات آلودگی هوا

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

2 مورد یافت شد

Hidden health effects and economic burden of stroke and coronary heart disease attributed to ambient air pollution (PM2.5) in Tehran, Iran: Evidence from an assessment and forecast up to 2030


coronary heart disease attributed to ambient air pollution (PM2.5) in Tehran, Iran: Evidence from an assessment and forecast up to 2030 Hidden health effects and economic burden of stroke and coronary heart disease attributed to ambient air pollution...

Estimation and determinants of direct hospitalisation cost for coronary heart disease in a low-middle-income country: evidence from a nationwide study in Iranian hospitals


coronary heart disease in a low-middle-income country: evidence from a nationwide study in Iranian hospitals Estimation and determinants of direct hospitalisation cost for coronary heart disease in a low-middle-income country: evidence from a nationwide...

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